Tuesday, October 27, 2009

The First Snow of the Season

Winter is finally here! Have I ever told you guys how much I love snow? Because I really do. Of course, I hate that gross grey-brown slush that ends up on the roads, in the gutters, and on the very edges of the sidewalk. But actually, new fallen (or still falling) snow is one of the most beautiful things in the world, in my opinion.
I remember when I had to go to Middle School at 7:00 in the morning--which was not pleasant by any stretch of the imagination. My first class in eighth grade was Spanish with Senora Sullivan. Her classroom was in one of the few Porta-classrooms outside the building. In the winter, it was always dark and depressing when I went out to Spanish. Every so often, though, snow would have fallen the night before. I would walk outside and look over at the track field that was right next to our school and see this incredible blanket of pure, untouched snow. It always took my breath away for just a second, and I would just stand there until I saw the first kids coming out of the neighborhood adjacent to the field.
I don't what it is about snow, but I just wait for the first snow of the season. It makes me feel all light and bubbly inside. Maybe it's the first sign that Christmas is coming, which truly is the most wonderful time of the year. It doesn't really matter; I'm sitting here grinning like an idiot and worried a little less about my impending exam all because of a little frozen water. It's awesome!
I'll probably be whining in a few months that winter has gone on forever, and it needs to be spring, but don't let that fool you. I love winter--and snow--with all of my heart!


Chris Davey said...

Ah, yes, Ashley the guardian of all things wintery and Christmasy. Glad to know there are still some consistencies in life. Don't forget to study though!!!

Anonymous said...

Mmmmm... I don't know....