Sunday, February 27, 2011


Sometimes, when I'm feeling overwhelmed, or I can't let go of the past, or I feel like I can't do it, I just want to yell at the universe--in a refined, well-worded letter, of course. After all, I am an English major; that's how I roll. Anyway, this is probably what I would write:

Dear Universe,

I have a bone to pick with you. It's not ok for you to continually throw obstacles at me. Every once in a while I need a break, ok? Can't you just once let me have a path that is totally clear? It doesn't matter if it's a straight, 100 yard sprint, or if it's a longer road with tons of curves--I'm good with either option. Just no avalanches or flash floods. And can we please just forget about the What If factor? I hate that. Let's just let the past stay in the past, bygones be bygones, or whatever cliche you want to use here. Listen, we could be great friends. You just have to show your nice side.

Love, Ashley

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

It's that time again

Yesterday at work I got really bored. No one was calling in for help, and we don't have any projects to do, so I was just basically sitting there, spinning around in my comfy desk chair. I could have been doing homework, or studying for one of the two midterms that I have this week, but no. Sometimes you just have to sit and spin in your comfy desk chair, you know?

And then I went to Now I'm planning trips to Madrid, Verona, Greece, and London (for the Olympics). I love traveling. It's always so worth it, even if I'm poor when I come home.

Saturday, February 12, 2011

The Busy-ness of Life

This week I have:

  1. Watched three movies (which is weird because usually I don't have time to watch movies)
  2. Read a chapter of a book of my choice (one chapter; that's it!)
  3. Finished Persuasion and The Companion to Chaucer, both of which are textbooks for my two English classes
  4. Written part of a research paper
  5. Driven to Provo twice (which means I had to buy more gas than usual which sucks because gas prices are so high)
  6. Taken four tests
  7. Eaten at Chick-fil-A (which is awesome!)
  8. Not gotten to bed before 11.
Most of my weeks are like this. And this is why I haven't been able to post on my blog recently.

Such is the business of life.