Paul Sycamore (in the bow tie) and Mr. DePinna (in the lab coat) show off their newest fireworks. Rheba, the resident cook/maid/bell hop.Ed Carmichael, Essie's husband, after he has had a stroke of genius while composing a piece of music on his xylophone.
Rheba and Donald, the "almost couple" of the play.
Mr. Wilbur C. Hendersen, who comes to get the income tax Nanna has not been paying for 22 years.
Nanna decides to completely ignore Mr. Hendersen's pleas for her tax money.
Mr. Kholenkhov, Essie's delusional Russian ballet teacher.Alice and Tony Kirby come home from their date at the ballet.Miss Gay Wellington, who has come to read for one of Penny's plays.
Mr. and Mrs. Kirby have an argument over a game instituted by Penny (Nanna is trapped in the middle).
The Department of Justice interrupt the night.
The Grand Duchess Olga Katrina graces the household with presence.
The whole cast together for one last shot.
This play was incredible, and it will be one of the highlights of my high school career. It will definitely be a memory that will live on for years to come.
Can't wait to watch it. It sounds really funny. :)
Looks awesome! Your dress is so cute!
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