Monday, January 19, 2009

Taco Night

Last night, my family had tacos for dinner. We like tacos. We think they're tasty, especially since you can't get real Mexican food here in India (although we have found one restraunt that does a pretty good job). However, whenever I think of tacos, I invariably think of my sister, Heather.

Now, we all have our curious little traits that make us special. One of Heather's curious traits involves tacos. Heather has a very specific way of eating her tacos. She likes to break the tacos when she eats them. But she has to do it in a certain way. First, Heather gets a taco shell. Second, Heather fills the taco shell with stuffings such as meat, cheese, olives (must have olives because olives are delicious), lettuce, etc. Once Heather has finished filling her taco, she breaks the taco shell in half. Heather then proceeds to eat the taco shell first and afterwards eat the stuffings, as if that was exactly how a taco was meant to be eaten. Of course, Heather CANNOT take a broken shell on the first step. No, no, that would ruin the process.

Don't get me wrong--I am not writing this post to mock Heather in any way, shape, or form. We do that enough as a family on taco nights. I just find it very amusing, and I always think of Heather whenever I eat tacos. So, in a way, you could definitely see this post as one sister's tribute to another, as I do. Heather, I love you and your strange taco habits.

Who knows, maybe I'll write about Chelsey and one of her weird habits next.


Unknown said...

You have to admit, a taco shell that has sucked up the spicy taco meat grease is really tasty.

Chelsey said...

I'm afraid you'll never be able to write a post about me and my weird habits. I have none. Just ask my hubby.

Anonymous said...

That's awesome... that's even better than me eating Pizza backwards...