Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Letters from home

I love letters. Their awesome. And I'm talking about true-blue, write it yourself, stick-it-in-an-envelope-and-give-it-to-the-postman letters, not emails or messages on Facebook (although those will do in a pinch). Those are the kind of letters that make you feel all warm and lovely inside because when you get those letters, you know people really love you.
Now, I will be the first to admit that when it comes to letters, I am not the greatest at keeping up correspondence, even with people I really care about. Since I just received a wonderful letter from the lovely Madeline, I have decided to re-commit to the whole writing letters thing. So here goes:
World, I promise I will try to answer every handwritten card or letter that comes to me via mailbox (excluding letters/cards from dentists, doctors, or any other businesses).
So send me your letters!

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