Sunday, December 21, 2008

Home for the Holidays

Yes, I am home for the holidays, and I am loving it! All of my family is together for Christmas, including my sister Chelsey and her family (her husbnad Aaron and her kids Katie, Paul, and baby Averi) who live in New Mexico. Let me tell you, it's absolutely wonderful to have everyone home for the holidays (we won't attribute this wonderful feeling that I'm having now to the fact that I am currently not in a place where almost everybody drives me crazy). We have a lot of really fun things planned for the Christmas holidays, aside from our usual Christmas traditions. As we are preparing for this most amazing of holidays, I'm starting to think of all the reasons why I love Christmas time. Here are a few of them, in no particular order.
  • Family's get together, and like each other, for an extended period of time.
  • Snow makes everything look prettier.
  • Christmas gives us an opportunity to give to others.
  • Christ is the focus at Christmas time.
  • Santa comes! I don't care how old you are, Santa always comes.
  • You get free stuff. I know that sounds really materialistic, and it is, but hey, I'm always up for free stuff.
  • Christmas is the time of the year when you bake the most, so the house smells amazing.
  • Christmas songs are beautiful.
  • Christmas lights are beautiful.
  • You are allowed to feel like a little kid again at Christmas.

Those are just a few of the reasons why Christmas is my favorite holiday, and why I love coming home for the holidays. As Christmas approaches, maybe we should all think a little bit more about why we love Christmas. I promise, it will make you even more excited for that magical Christmas morning.

P.S. Even though I know Santa doesn't have flesh and bones like everyone else, I will always believe in Santa. Without Santa, a little bit of the magic of Christmas is gone. I encourage everyone to believe in Santa. Merry Christmas!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Of course Santa has bones and flesh! He uses magic to get down the chimneys.