Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Day 8

What are 5 passions you have?

  1. My first-and-foremost, now-and-forever, ultimate passion is reading.  When I get a book, I completely block out the world around me.  I become oblivious to what's going on.  I'm the worst person to do a road trip with because I literally pack a bag of books, and then just read for basically the entire trip.  Ask my family.  They will tell you how bad I am at road trips because of my books.  But books have been such a huge part of my life since I was tiny that really, this is not that surprising.  When we were little, my mom's answer to everything was: "Read a book."  See, watch:
"Mom, I'm bored."
"Read a book."
"What should I do today, Mom?"
"Read a book."
"Mom, Heather's being mean to me!"
"You two, go to opposite sides of the room, and read a book."
"Hey, Mom!  Hey, Mom!  Pay attention to me!  RIGHT NOW!"
"I'm going to go read a book.  You should too."
"Mom, I'm hungry."
"Read a book while I make dinner."
"Mom, I'm not tired."
"Let's read a book together."
Well, you get the idea.  Thanks, Mom, for always making me read a book!
  1. This is supposed to be number 2, but Blogger doesn't like it when you do cool things like I just did, A.K.A centering a dialogue so that it makes more sense.  Anyways, my second passion is cooking.  I've mentioned before that I find cooking very therapeutic.  I love being surround by good smells, digging my hands into my creations (don't worry, I always wash before) and mixing everything together, and seeing and tasting the finished product.  Mostly I love making stuff that isn't typical.  I love trying out a new, weird recipe, or trying to put a new spin on an old favorite.  Sometimes my recipes are duds--especially when it comes to cooking with a crockpot; for some reason, I can never make it come out right--but I'm extremely competitive by nature, so when my recipes come out all wrong it just makes me determined to try harder next time.
  2. Ok, I'm gonna toot my own horn for a second (it's my blog, I'm allowed): I am super creative.  Seriously, I can think of stories in a heartbeat.  And I do, frequently.  I am not, however, crafty.  Do not get those two things mixed up.  There is a huge difference between being creative and being crafty.  With that being said, I love being creative.  I love making up new stories, and writing poems, and making up songs (that I sing really loudly when I'm all by myself).  My creative writing classes at school have always been my favorite classes, ever.  This summer, I get to take a poetry class, and I cannot tell you how excited I am for it.  Also, I'm poor, so it's awesome when I can use my skills as presents.  Because it's free.  Hopefully, one day, I will be crafty as well as creative, and I'm working on that, but for right now I'm content with being ultra creative and only slightly crafty sometimes.
  3. Travel is another huge passion of mine.  Travelling is really important to me, and not just because that's how I grew.  Living overseas for most of my life taught how big and how incredible the world truly is.  Now that I've had a taste of it, it's hard to be satisfied with just staying in my own little bubble for very long. I want to travel as much as possible, and see as much of the world as I can.  Unfortunately, right now there are these two stupid things getting in my way: money and education.  (Just kidding!  Education's not stupid!  Go to school)
  4. Now, this last one is going to sound super cheesy, but bear with me.  I am really passionate about animals.  Being around animals is kind of my thing.  I make friends with animals so much faster than I do with people.  And I realize just how sad that is.  But seriously, animals are the best.  They are not judgmental, they are fiercely loyal (except cats; cats just do their own thing), they are playful and fun, and they will love you unconditionally.  I cannot wait until I can get my own pet.  As soon as I get my own place, that dog is mine!  Ok, I'm going to get off my soapbox about how awesome animals are.

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